Maure Castle (The Greater Halls)

Background: Messalina, an emissary to the Citadel of Eight, approaches the PCs with a request. She has heard that a man named Mozul dwells in the Greater Halls of Maure Castle, and that in his possession is a Crystal Succubus Skull said to grant anyone who holds it a vision of the queen of succubi herself. The Citadel of Eight would like to study the skull, and offers the PCs a reward of 10,000 gp's if they can find the skull and bring it back to Messalina. If the party agrees, she provides them with a cushion-lined darkwood coffer to carry it in, and warns them to avoid touching the skull, since she fears that whatever secrets it might contain could do harm if it’s not handled properly.

The Greater Halls Player's Map

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